
Preorders are the time-period in which you can purchase/place your order on a specific doll. I know many people asking for the dolls’ delivery time and the questions are often similar to each other. I will try to explain how the preorder works for me so you can look here and for yourself count the time-estimate for your doll. 💙

The preorder timeline

  1. When the preorder starts:
    The preorder starts at a set date and usually goes on for around 1 month. It is during this month that you can place your order on the doll on preorder. To know which doll will be on preorder next, you can usually ask in the Facebook Group. The active preorders are always listed under the “preorders”-tab on this website. During this month nothing happens with the doll production, orders are only taken in.

  2. When the preorder ends:
    When the preorder closes, I count the dolls ordered and send the order to the casting company. I often do this 2-3 days after the preorder’s last date, so I have time to fix peoples’ “mistakes”: for example, people who write they chose the wrong doll or wrong face-up, those who forgot it was last day, or those who make last minute-changes .... Some of these kind of mistakes always happen and a lot of messaging occurs 🙂

  3. After-preorder contact with the factory:
    The factory confirms the order to me, and I pay for the production of the dolls. It takes a couple of days and often after that I can’t do any more changes to the order.
    Now the factory places the order in line behind all orders they already have from me and other artists. We are approximately one week after the preorder closed now.

  4. The casting of the dolls by the factory:
    The factory casts the dolls. This process takes between 3 - 6 months, depending on the size of the order and wherein the production line we get - The factory cast dolls for many other artists so we need to share the timeline :) (bigger orders - longer time).

  5. The painting of the dolls by the factory:
    When all the dolls are cast the factory begins painting them. This is the production part which takes time. Big orders take a longer time to paint, dark dolls are more sensitive to weather conditions and sometimes the order takes 2-3 months to get all the dolls painted. After faceup the dolls is ready to be shipped. Now all the laywas should be paid full so we can go to next stepp.

  6. The dolls outside the EU are shipped directly from the factory.
    The order that the factory shipped will be faster than inside the EU. But you may have to pay taxes and fees.
    You can choose the direct factory shippment, just let uss know.

  7. The dolls in the EU are shipped to me:
    The factory ships the order to me in Sweden - this takes at least 4 weeks to ship if they don’t get stuck in customs. Four weeks is really fast. But you don’t have to pay taxes and fees because I pay for that inside the EU.

  8. I ship the dolls out:
    I ship them in batches of colors and countries in the EU. The reason for this is the way I write the shipping address in the postal system we have. Writing all packages to the same country together is easier, and I make fewer mistakes that way.
    Often I manage to ship one whole order out in two weeks.
    The dolls for artist face-up going to Charlene.

  9. Your doll arrives!
    When I’ve shipped out the dolls some short time afterward, you should get a notification from your post office that you can pick up your doll package. Now your doll is home with you!


The resulting PREORDEr Time-Frame

So if everything goes well and the order is small, I can manage to send the dolls 8 months after the Preorder ends. But the most normal is 9 - 12 months because there is always something making the process slower. Bad weather for painting, an exhibition in the middle of the shipping. I need to sculpt and can’t ship just that month. It’s Christmas time, and shipping is a disaster. Custom keeps my packages for weeks. The factory closes, and everything gets delayed a month again ... etc. The timeline description above is the optimal way when everything goes smoothly but life is not always so smooth so that’s why I give you approximately the time of 9 - 12 months for delivery.
When you read this, you can see for example that a Preorder made 3 months ago is not even in line for asking for delivery. It’s just not possible.


When the dolls ship and you need your tracking, you can ask the helpers.
If you are in Russia, you can write to Olga Krasnova (

For the USA and Canada tracking, there is Sherrye Burrows ( ).

For Europe, Australia, and other countries, you can write to Anne Marie ( ).
We also announce when they get the tracking numbers. You can ask those helpers just about tracking They can’t help you with other issues such as payments delay, address changes … etc.

Write to me if anything’s wrong

If it has been 12 months, you see, all people have the doll and you are still missing yours, you need to contact me. I’m just human, and I do make mistakes. So please, in a case like that, just send me a PM or mail so I can help you.

the preorder-setup is for maintaining high quality

The setup above is the way I work. Another artist may work in different ways, use different services, prefer working with smaller orders, choose to sell dolls in stock, have just one color at the time, etc. The ultimate truth is I like my casting company. I will never compromise with quality for faster delivery. And I have no possibility to keep dolls in stock so the preorder system is the only way I can get the dolls to you all.
Sometimes I have extra dolls or dolls from exhibitions. But still, the preorders, even with the long waiting time, are the safest and cheapest way to get the doll you want.

I hope this was helpful in understanding the preorder-process! 🧡🙂