About Twinkle-Ella

Ella also started as a Dumpling, and was shrunk because she was so loved and Miroslava wanted to allow people who prefered smaller dolls to be able to have her.

Now she is with us also as a little Twinkle!


Twinkle-ella's measurements:

Height …………………………………………16 cm
circumference of head………………………13,8cm
chest ……………………………………..….8,5 cm
waist………………………………………....9 cm
hip …………………………………………..9,5 cm
top of shoulder to waist ……………………..3 cm
where shoulder meets arm to wrist………….5 cm
inside arm length ……………………………4,3 cm
inside leg to ankle……………………………5 cm
waist to ankle………………………………..7,5 cm
length of foot…………………………………2,3 cm
width of foot …………………………………1,4 cm
circumference of hand at widest point……..4 cm
Wig ........................................5/6
eyes ........................................6 or 8 mm 0val pabol eyes.

clothes that fit Ella twinkle

Chara, like Navi, share clothes with Lati Yellow, pukifee and sometimes with Irreadolls tinies .


